Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weel 9 #23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning

Wow, I have done it. I cannot believe all the web 2.0 tools I have touched on and the fact that I have completed the exercises. It has been a great journey and one I intend to continue. It does not stop here. Day one of learning to set up a blog was a huge challenge but I can now find my way around with no effort. RSS feeds were technically tricky but now I have the hang of them and had no problem adding the RSS feed for the podcast. Facebook etc is not for me but I loved Flickr and other photo sites, could spend all day on image generator sites and Youtube and for the most had a wonderful time. Thank you for giving us this great training opportunity which has been the best I have ever done. The exercises had me thinking of how this all tied up with libraries and how I could use various tools in my work. Naturally I have found plenty of home applications for web 2.0 tools as well.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed it and can see lots of relevance to your work, we have enjoyed reading your progress as well.

bella said...

A great blog atramper. How do you have time to come to work?

Fruitsalad said...

Yah team rocks atramper...superb aye?